Why This Is Important – Afghanistan

Throughout its turbulent history, conflict has become an integral and unfortunate component in shaping the Afghan identity.  These events have influenced the languages, cultures, and ethnicities creating a diverse mosaic of people who have one point of commonality:  they are Afghan.  It has been a region of historical geo-political significance where its malleable borders placed it at the crossroad of various interests.

Afghans have contended with internecine struggles and outside aggressors creating both a diverse melting pot, and a complex identity that has experienced more conflict than stability.  This paradox has created an unstable environment where self-preservation and survival remain paramount. And after years of violent conflict and instability, survival outweighed the need for education.  This void left many of Afghanistan’s children vulnerable, and impeded the progress the country so desperately needed.  The orphan’s struggles are, therefore, emblematic of Afghan society.

In the face of Afghanistan’s many challenges, it is our firm belief that through education we can offer hope by facilitating the social integration of the most marginalized children and nurturing them to become agents of change in their communities.


By providing viable assistance to Afghanistan at this crucial juncture in history, we hope to:

  • Prevent a resurgence of lawlessness and extremism.
  • Empower the youngest and most important generation to:
    • Embrace self-sufficiency through skills maturation.
    • Experience and understand the world around them.
    • Cultivate peaceful values, attitudes and worldviews to transcend the tragic ways of the past.
    • Accelerate positive change by shrinking the widening social and economic gap that
      exists between Afghanistan and the rest of the world.